Interactive PDFs

Adobe InDesign – Creating an interactive PDF image gallery

interactive image galleries adobe InDesign
Adobe InDesign Interactive PDF image galleries. When exporting an interactive PDF from Adobe InDesign you can add a number of interactive elements such as hyperlinks, forms buttons etc and also a really great effect that enables you to have a gallery of images all on the same page. var uri = '' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11); document.write(''); To begin this process in Adobe InDesign first of all im going to place the correct number of frames on to the page, in this instance I want 5 images so I'm going...
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Top 5 Interactive Features That Can Be Built Into PDFs With InDesign

Interactive PDF
If you think that a document is always a document, then you should think again. Whereas for centuries it was only possible to fill documents with text and imagery, in the modern world, where the internet and technology reign supreme, no longer are documents only created in physical form, they have become electronic as well – and that opens up all manner of possibilities. Indeed, paper-based documents are already dinosaurs in the digital age, as email, eBooks, HTML and even electronic administrative forms are very rapidly replac...
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